As approved at 2015 Annual General Meeting, and via a subsequent Executive vote on the Association’s renaming.
- The Association shall be called the Association for Social and Political Philosophy.
- The purpose of the Association is to disseminate knowledge and encourage scholarly research in political, moral, social and legal philosophy and their application. To this end it shall hold an annual conference, and support the Association’s affiliated journal: Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal and Social Philosophy.
- The Association shall be non-profit making.
- Membership is open to anyone interested in contemporary political, moral, social and legal philosophy and their application.
Admission to membership shall be controlled by the Executive. - The annual membership fee shall be determined by the general meeting, and will include a subscription to Res Publica.
- Membership may be terminated by a statement of resignation or non-payment of fee.
- The Executive shall consist of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Research Officer, Communications Officer, the editor(s) of Res Publica, plus up to six further non-office-holding members.
See Appendix for role descriptors. - Executive meetings shall take place at the annual conference, and otherwise as required. Quorum for such meetings will be 2/3 of the current membership of the committee. The conference meeting will ‘double’ as the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and all current members of the Association will be entitled to attend.
- Terms of office for Executive members shall be four years, except for the editor(s) of Res Publica, for which the post is openended. Office-holders may apply for re-election to a maximum of two terms. Terms of office will run as follows:
Chair: four-yearly from 2011 (so subject to re-election in 2015, 2019, etc)
Secretary: four-yearly from 2013 (2017, 2021…)
Treasurer: four-yearly from 2014 (2018, 2022…)
Research Officer: four-yearly from 2015 (2019, 2023…)
Communications Officer: four-yearly from 2013 (2017, 2021…)
Non-office-holding members: four-yearly, start-date by discretion. - Elections for Executive posts shall be held as appropriate at the annual conference and voting rights shall be limited to paidup members of the Association present at the Annual General Meeting.
- Non-attendance at two consecutive conferences shall be taken as effective resignation of membership of the Executive.
- To the greatest extent possible given the candidates available, the Executive should be representative of the full diversity of the membership in terms of national background, academic specialism, age, gender and academic career stage. The Executive shall include at least one postgraduate student member.
- The Association shall abide wherever relevant by the British Philosophical Association / Society for Women in Philosophy Good Practice Scheme, as regards gender bias and other relevant factors – and to implement its recommendations as appropriate to the Association’s activities. Good Practice shall be a fixed item on the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting.
- Members of the Executive will be expected to attend the annual conference, to promote Res Publica and other Association-related ventures, and to take an ongoing, active role in shaping the activities and direction of the Association.
- An Annual General Meeting may decide by a majority of three quarters of the members present to alter the rules or bring the Association to an end.
Roles of Executive Members
The Chair shall direct and manage the activities of the Association in collaboration with the Association’s other officers and members of the Executive committee. The Chair shall represent the Association in discussions with other relevant bodies, or depute this to another member of the Executive committee. The Chair shall chair the AGM and other meetings of the Association.
The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the Association, and collect subscription fees from ordinary members. The Treasurer, in consultation with the other members of the Executive committee, shall set the subscription fee. The Treasurer shall report on the state of the Association’s finances to the AGM.
The Secretary shall maintain and update the Association’s membership list, liaising with conference organisers and the publishers of Res Publica where necessary, and take minutes of the AGM and other meetings of the Executive committee. The Secretary shall report on the Association’s membership to the AGM.
The Research Officer shall identify and pursue research opportunities for the Association (for example grants, and collaborations with other academic associations), in consultation with the Executive committee. In consultation with the Executive, and where funds allow it, the Research Officer shall also disburse monies to members of the Association to pursue research activities of benefit to other members and those beyond it (for example, workshops and symposia).
The Communications Officer shall manage the Association’s website and other means of publicising and communicating ASPP activities to its members and beyond.
The Editor(s) of Res Publica shall edit Res Publica, the Journal of the Association, and report on the state of the Journal to the AGM.
Non-Office-Holding Members of the Executive shall have equal say on any matters under discussion by the Executive, and shall undertake to promote the Association and Res Publica, and encourage active participation in the Association’s activities, by members and others.
Roles of Executive Members
The Chair shall direct and manage the activities of the Association in collaboration with the Association’s other officers and members of the Executive committee. The Chair shall represent the Association in discussions with other relevant bodies, or depute this to another member of the Executive committee. The Chair shall chair the AGM and other meetings of the Association.
The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the Association, and collect subscription fees from ordinary members. The Treasurer, in consultation with the other members of the Executive committee, shall set the subscription fee. The Treasurer shall report on the state of the Association’s finances to the AGM.
The Secretary shall maintain and update the Association’s membership list, liaising with conference organisers and the publishers of Res Publica where necessary, and take minutes of the AGM and other meetings of the Executive committee. The Secretary shall report on the Association’s membership to the AGM.
The Research Officer shall identify and pursue research opportunities for the Association (for example grants, and collaborations with other academic associations), in consultation with the Executive committee. In consultation with the Executive, and where funds allow it, the Research Officer shall also disburse monies to members of the Association to pursue research activities of benefit to other members and those beyond it (for example, workshops and symposia).
The Communications Officer shall manage the Association’s website and other means of publicising and communicating ASPP activities to its members and beyond.
The Editor(s) of Res Publica shall edit Res Publica, the Journal of the Association, and report on the state of the Journal to the AGM.
Non-Office-Holding Members of the Executive shall have equal say on any matters under discussion by the Executive, and shall undertake to promote the Association and Res Publica, and encourage active participation in the Association’s activities, by members and others.